Monday, May 08, 2006

Uncle Bob takes a vacation

Last week Dad actually went on a vacation that didn't have anything to do with relatives, trains, or educational elderhosteling. Alert the media -- I don't think he's ever done this before. Also, he went out of the country, which I also think is a first for him, amazingly.

He and Mom went on a 3-day cruise from SF to British Columbia. As far as I can tell, the ship stopped exactly twice: once to pick everyone up in SF, and then to drop everyone off in ... Vancouver? Victoria? One of those V places in BC. It sounds as though they had fun reading, watching the scenery, eating constantly, and all those other things one does on a cruise. They did skip the seasickness part, though, which apparently affected lots of other passengers who hopped onboard, scarfed a giant buffet, and then floated out under the Golden Gate to the choppy ocean. M&D had opted to take dramamine and skip the buffet.

No other exciting news to report. We are in week 4 of our "5 to 7 day" sprinkler installation project. I'm actually working from home today so that I could be here to let the contractor into the basement. He was supposed to be here at 9am. It's now 2pm and I have yet to see him. This had better be the best sprinkler system ever.



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