Friday, August 25, 2006


I'm attempting to put a link here for photos from my recent trip to Australia. Most of my time was spent working (a conference, followed by a class on network analysis), but I did squeeze in a snorkeling trip to the Great Barrier Reef, and a trip up the coast to this very cool rainforest area.

My luggage got lost going BOTH directions (a new record for me, and not one I want to repeat!), which was inconvenient and nearly caused me to go snorkeling in my underwear (snorkeling trip left early morning the day after I arrived). This would have been especially fun given that the snorkeling trip was with work colleagues. Fortunately, I was able to run (literally -- and it was at least 2 miles) to Target with minutes to spare before they closed and grab something off the rack.

I felt fantastically fit being suddenly at sea level! I'd been trying to get a running program off the ground here in Colorado and having No Luck At All. When I went for a run in Cairns, I went for 4 or 5 miles without even noticing. Excellent! Now I'm back at altitude and back to huffing and puffing, but it's still going better than it was before I left. It helps that temperatures are now in the 70's and 80's instead of the 90's and 100's.

Emily, how's your puppy doing? She's very cute!